Corporate Governance
Leading with Integrity and Trust
Superior Essex has earned the reputation of a company with the highest integrity – producing and delivering quality products with outstanding customer service. We are proud not only of what we are accomplishing, but of how we are achieving success. This reputation is one we want to protect. To protect this reputation, we continually strive to serve the best interests of our customers, employees and shareholders, while behaving as a responsible corporate citizen. This commitment requires, among other things, that we act with the highest ethical and legal standards.
Our commitment to the highest standards of integrity begins with ensuring that everyone across the Superior Essex organization understands our core values – values that define how we conduct ourselves. These values are the foundation of our Code of Ethics. Additional information and guidance is available in our Standards of Business Conduct.
Employees, customers, vendors and other stakeholders may present ideas, raise concerns or ask questions about our Code of Ethics through our compliance reporting system.